Easy Way to Get the Achiles Heal Achievemnt Smite
I hope he gets another one. His 1 still does too much damage from far away, and its scaling is just too high as well. And his 2 gives too many buffs (Like damage, defense, CCR, and healing buffs... In a non ult? Sure it's not much early game. But late game it gets worse)
Personally, I'm indifferent with this 3 and 4.
Last edited by Silver; 7 Apr, 2018 @ 2:04pm
I think the trade-up for his ult should be different, I know that he takes more damage when he's charging but it's not long enough. I think it should work like Ymir's ult, make it riskier but more rewarding to wind up in a battle.
I think the trade-up for his ult should be different, I know that he takes more damage when he's charging but it's not long enough. I think it should work like Ymir's ult, make it riskier but more rewarding to wind up in a battle.
I think his ult is perfectly fine to be honest, along with it being at least in my experience. Pretty easy to miss/dodge. Along with when he's preparing for it, can be generally pretty good for other teammates to start putting ♥♥♥♥ on him
The risk in itself is pretty high unless you're dealing with more than one person.
I hope he gets another one. His 1 still does too much damage from far away, and its scaling is just too high as well. And his 2 gives too many buffs (Like damage, defense, CCR, and healing buffs... In a non ult? Sure it's not much early game. But late game it gets worse)
Personally, I'm indifferent with this 3 and 4.
I think is one is fine, to be honest. I'd say on the topic of his 3, if he cancels his 3 during it, he shouldn't be able to bring it back up though.
Last edited by Celineko; 7 Apr, 2018 @ 7:10pm
his 1 needs huge damage nerfs. one of, if not the largest cone attack in the game, that has irregular stunning capability and deals more poke damage than most hunter abilities... no
I think his ult is perfectly fine to be honest, along with it being at least in my experience. Pretty easy to miss/dodge. Along with when he's preparing for it, can be generally pretty good for other teammates to start putting ♥♥♥♥ on him I think the trade-up for his ult should be different, I know that he takes more damage when he's charging but it's not long enough. I think it should work like Ymir's ult, make it riskier but more rewarding to wind up in a battle.
The risk in itself is pretty high unless you're dealing with more than one person.I think is one is fine, to be honest. I'd say if he cancels his 3 during it, he shouldn't be able to bring it back up though. I hope he gets another one. His 1 still does too much damage from far away, and its scaling is just too high as well. And his 2 gives too many buffs (Like damage, defense, CCR, and healing buffs... In a non ult? Sure it's not much early game. But late game it gets worse)
Personally, I'm indifferent with this 3 and 4.
I don't understand how he is capable of doing so much damage in his damage stance AND still have as much sustain and tank as other warriors. I don't think I have ever seen anyone go into his tank stance since the power and his innate heal offsets any marginal decrease in protections. Its like they decided that they wanted him to have the damage and lockdown of an assassin without any loss in damage.
I remember when Ravana used to be as oppressive as Achilles currently is, but they went to great lengths to tone down Ravana. Its bizarre that they created a new character who embodies the very thing they spent years trying to balance.
They need to significantly reduce his protections and health while in the damage stance to be comparable to that of an assassin, and his armored stance should be tankier. In his current state I do not know how any solo laner save for a select few cannot be overwhelmed by him.
I think his ult is perfectly fine to be honest, along with it being at least in my experience. Pretty easy to miss/dodge. Along with when he's preparing for it, can be generally pretty good for other teammates to start putting ♥♥♥♥ on him
The risk in itself is pretty high unless you're dealing with more than one person.I think is one is fine, to be honest. I'd say if he cancels his 3 during it, he shouldn't be able to bring it back up though.
I don't understand how he is capable of doing so much damage in his damage stance AND still have as much sustain and tank as other warriors. I don't think I have ever seen anyone go into his tank stance since the power and his innate heal offsets any marginal decrease in protections. Its like they decided that they wanted him to have the damage and lockdown of an assassin without any loss in damage.I remember when Ravana used to be as oppressive as Achilles currently is, but they went to great lengths to tone down Ravana. Its bizarre that they created a new character who embodies the very thing they spent years trying to balance.
They need to significantly reduce his protections and health while in the damage stance to be comparable to that of an assassin, and his armored stance should be tankier. In his current state I do not know how any solo laner save for a select few cannot be overwhelmed by him.
So you want him to be a ravana? lol ravana has no where near as much poke and harass also he is a warrior warriors are naturally tanky but can also dish out damage duh. Especially when you go into the supposely dmg stance who would have known! just lock him down and blow him up or go more burst damage he is a very nimble poking machine any healing counters the crap out of him and he just becomes a mild annoyance except for the occasional stun hear and their
I don't understand how he is capable of doing so much damage in his damage stance AND still have as much sustain and tank as other warriors. I don't think I have ever seen anyone go into his tank stance since the power and his innate heal offsets any marginal decrease in protections. Its like they decided that they wanted him to have the damage and lockdown of an assassin without any loss in damage.I remember when Ravana used to be as oppressive as Achilles currently is, but they went to great lengths to tone down Ravana. Its bizarre that they created a new character who embodies the very thing they spent years trying to balance.
They need to significantly reduce his protections and health while in the damage stance to be comparable to that of an assassin, and his armored stance should be tankier. In his current state I do not know how any solo laner save for a select few cannot be overwhelmed by him.
So you want him to be a ravana? lol ravana has no where near as much poke and harass also he is a warrior warriors are naturally tanky but can also dish out damage duh. Especially when you go into the supposely dmg stance who would have known! just lock him down and blow him up or go more burst damage he is a very nimble poking machine any healing counters the crap out of him and he just becomes a mild annoyance except for the occasional stun hear and their
In S3, Ravana had a skillset that was very similar to that of Achilles: high sustain through his 3 (back then it had a shorter cooldown and greater heal), high tankability, and in general high damage output. The devs slowly began to gut away at his kit by reducing the sustain in lane, which forced him out of the meta as a solo laner. Then, players started using him in the jungle since he had great gank potential....and well the rest is history.
I was arguing that Hi-Rez is repeating the very same mistakes by making Achilles be uncontested in solo lane by giving him psuedo-assassin stats with the tankability of a warrior.
Achilles oppression in solo lane is absolutely unreal, especially with items that give innate sustain (warrior's blessing and gladiator's shield). There is no blowing him out unless you gank him repeatedly, because his poke and set-ups are way too strong atm.
Why not just nerf his hp, classify him as an assassin and call it a day?
His kit does seem bloated take out the heals so if he wants sustain or damage he has to pick up a stone of gaia or something. Hp ain't everything and I doubt hirez will do that would'nt really fit into his lore at all. all right so you can't kill achilles in solo thats ok just play safe farm up and try not to lose tower gain some levels and gank other people when you can.
Why not just nerf his hp, classify him as an assassin and call it a day?
I agree, I m not a fan of hybrid classes as they tend to be weak in a category or too strong overall. Its even more of an issue when its the warrior as Hi-Rez tends to give them a bunch of tankiness without any downsides.
His kit does seem bloated take out the heals so if he wants sustain or damage he has to pick up a stone of gaia or something. Hp ain't everything and I doubt hirez will do that would'nt really fit into his lore at all. all right so you can't kill achilles in solo thats ok just play safe farm up and try not to lose tower gain some levels and gank other people when you can.
1) Stone of Gaia got butchered. Besides, his poke damage is so high that SOG does noting in the long run.
2) Its not only HP, he tanks as well as other warriors in his damage stance.
3) Achilles will always win lane. If he forces yiy ti your tower, he will steal your buffs and rotate while you are left to defend the incoming wave.
4) You shouldn't rotate if you are losing lane, underleveled, and a minion wave is incoming
remember that discordia is still not nerfed lul
discordia is second cancer after loki
Honestly, the only problem i have with achilles is his auto scaling, they do rediculously high numbers with little to no power, and since his 1 sets up for a minimum of 1 auto, he can get some really cheap damage early.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/386360/discussions/0/1696043806565696416/
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